About us
Our team here was founded on June 29, 2009, when it was also registered by the Trusted Introducer organization. The organization brings together European national, academic, and commercial computer security teams. Less than two years later, on February 1, 2011, the CSIRT-MU was also accredited by this organization.
On December 5, 2016, we managed to obtain certification from the Trusted Introducer as the first security team in the Czech Republic. The certification has brought a number of improvements to the functioning of the team, and it is also a confirmation of our level internationally.
CSIRT-MU Management
RNDr. Martin Laštovička, Ph.D.
Department head, Incident Response
Mgr. Matúš Raček
Department head, Technological Development
e‑mail: |
RNDr. Vít Rusňák, Ph.D.
Department head, Awareness and Training
e‑mail: |
Mgr. Andrej Tomči
Department head, Threat Management
e‑mail: |
Organization structure
We are part of the Institute of Computer Science. We started as a small group of students and a few staff members and have grown to over 40 people today, organized into five main teams.
Incident Response
The team is primarily focused on resolving incidents within the MU network
Awareness and Training
The team members both train MU staff and students in information and cybersecurity and manage the CSIRT-MU communication channels.
Data Analytics
The analytics team whose members are thoroughly analyzing incidents and preparing automated routine analysis procedures.
Technological Development
The team specializes in the administration, maintenance, and development of monitoring and data analysis infrastructure. An important part of their work is also the development of new tools.
Threat Management
The team of ethical hackers who focus on conducting forensic analysis and uncovering security vulnerabilities within MU's websites and systems. Their responsibilities include performing penetration testing, and organizing simulated phishing campaigns.
The whole story of the CSIRT-MU team began on 29 June 2009. At that time, we were officially listed on the Trusted Introducer, which brings together European security teams. CSIRT-MU aims to protect the university and participate in raising the level of cybersecurity in the Czech Republic and abroad.
It is a necessity in cybersecurity, and we have been able to cooperate with the best - from the public and private spheres, both in the Czech Republic and abroad. From the National Cyber and Information Security Bureau, through the United States Army to NATO.
MU protection
Masaryk University is a modern educational institution for which a safe cyber environment is essential. Our goal is to make sure it is. Since 2011, we have been solving automated incidents with the vast majority of security incidents and continuously improving our services.
Cybersecurity is essential for all. Therefore we do not want to share our knowledge only in professional circles. Since 2012 we have been performing in the media, producing our accessible educational content, participating and organizing various educational events.
In 2013, we acquired four major projects that started our research. Today, we are dedicated to measuring and analyzing network traffic, network security, and security research and education environments. The most important projects include KYPO - cybernetic polygon, Center of Excellence C4e, and European Horizon 2020 projects.
If we can, we will help. In 2014, in cooperation with the Czech police, we contributed to the detection of a hacker who had attacked and abused approximately 1,500 computers on a long-term basis. Three years earlier, we managed to detect and put a botnet named Chuck Norris on the shoulder blades.
Cyber Czech
It is the only cyber-security exercise in the Czech Republic. It aims to prepare security personnel for work under the pressure of a massive attack. In 2015, we became one of the founders, and since then, we have been cooperating with the National Cyber and Information Security Authority on all its implementations.
We used everything we learned to prepare for the Trusted Introducer certification. In 2016, we were able to obtain it as the first security team in the Czech Republic. Certification has brought a number of improvements to the functioning of the team and is also a confirmation of our level internationally.
Being a certified team does not just mean improving our services. It is also the mission to participate in building a cybersecurity community. Therefore, we actively help other teams - Czech and foreign, from universities and corporations. We even helped set up a team at the University of Ostrava.
In the long term, we pass on our knowledge to students through leading theses, internships, and teaching several of our subjects. Thanks to us, the KYPOLAB was established at FI MU in 2018, focusing on practical training in the field of cybersecurity.
The future of cybersecurity is full of question marks. However, we know that we want to be among those who influence it. Since 2019, we have joined three European Horizon 2020 projects with the same goal. Together, we are working on building a safer cyber environment for all of us.
Thanks to the funding of the Concorida project, the KYPO platform was released as OpenSource and received the Innovation Radar award in the Disruptive Technology category.
Since 2021, we have been coordinating projects CRP-KYBER under the MSMT CR, focusing on cybersecurity. Over the course of the three years, 26 public universities from the Czech Republic have gradually become involved in these projects. Together, we form an innovative community actively seeking practical solutions and advancing the field of cybersecurity within Czech universities.
Final theses
During the year 2022, members of the CSIRT-MU team supervised a total of 45 successfully defended final theses by students of the Faculty of Informatics. This number included 22 bachelor's theses and 23 master's theses, constituting an impressive 10% of all successfully defended theses at the faculty during the academic year 2021/2022.
Separate division
As part of the restructuring of the Institute of Computer Science (ÚVT), CSIRT-MU becomes an independent division led by Tomáš Plesník.